Extensive Reading

 多読(Extensive Reading)とは、平易な英語で書かれたものを大量に読む学習法です。辞書に頼らずにテンポよくある程度のスピードを保って読むことが大事です。


Extensive Reading is an approach (学習法) where the students read a large volume of easy material. Students should read quickly with little use of their dictionary.

The Sandai library has over 12,000 books divided into reading levels, so that students can select books at their own level that are interesting for them to read.




 その後、Accelerated Reader コンピューター・プログラムを導入しました。これによって、単に本を読むだけでなく、読んだ本についての簡単なクイズを受けることが可能になりました。クイズの結果は、読書後のレポートや感想の代わりとしても利用され、学生、教員双方の負担を軽減し読書を促進するものでした。しかし残念なことに、このプログラムには多数の欠点もあり、2008年我々は新たなステージに移行します。 “Moodle Reader”という独自のコンピューター・プログラムの開発に着手したのです。

History of Extensive Reading at San-Dai

ER came to the English Department in the mid-1980s. Here is an article on how it was carried out at that time, without the benefit of “graded readers”.

Later, we adopted the Accelerated Reader computer program. This program allowed students to take short quizzes on the books that they read. The results could be used instead of written reports, so it made the reading task easier for both students and teachers. Unfortunately, the system had many shortcomings, which is why we moved to the next stage, in 2008, where we developed our own computer program “Moodle Reader”.


 多読本を一冊読む度に、内容に関する簡単なクイズを10問 解きます。これに合格するとその本の表紙が個人のページに追加されます。


After completing each book students take an easy 10-question quiz. When they pass each quiz, the cover of the book is added to their own home page:

A student page on the Mreader.org site which was developed at Kyoto Sangyo.



Extensive Reading at San-Dai today

MoodleReader, although it served its purpose, was difficult to administer and maintain since access to the software was controlled by SanDai’s computer center staff. This limited out ability to improve its functionality in small steps when we saw the need. Furthermore, the number of users of the software at other universities was slowly growing. Moodle was over-complex for teachers who just wanted to use the quiz program. Thus we set about making a user-friendly, “moodle-free” version which we dubbed “MReader”. (http://mreader.org).